ISfTE Florianópolis, May 16 - 19, 2022

Work Submission

Note: The abstract and paper must be in English.


250-300 words for Abstracts - TEMPLATE
The abstract should be sent to the email

Please prepare your paper with a maximum of 3,500 words (excluding abstract, references, tables, figures). Bring 12 to 15 printed copies of your paper to the conference. Papers can take a variety of forms (for example, report on research results, outline of work in progress). You will distribute copies of your preliminary work to your group on the first day of the conference.


What are Paper Groups?

ISfTE seminars are quite different from traditional conferences where presenters typically present in 15-20 minute timeslots and attend scheduled presentations. At ISfTE, seminar participants are placed into Paper Groups with colleagues from around the world. Members of the paper group remain together, providing each other with helpful feedback about their paper submissions and engaging in informed discussions for the duration of the conference.

You will be asked to distribute a draft of your conference paper on the first day of the conference. You, in turn, will receive papers from other members in your paper group for your review and feedback.  Time is allocated for reviewing papers as part of the conference schedule. 

You will then work together for the remainder of the week to provide and receive helpful feedback about your paper as well as engage in ISfTE conference activities.

Paper groups are comprised of approximately 8-10 paper presenters. Groups normally are structured around common interests/focus areas.

The purpose of the paper group format is to promote international dialogue and cross-cultural research. The atmosphere is collegial and informal, with considerable time for informed and critical feedback on ideas, practices, and research.



Length of Presentation:  Papers are allocated approximately 30-45 minutes for discussion and constructive dialogue and feedback.

Paper group members review colleagues’ papers in advance of seminar sessions. The focus of paper group discussions often relates to conceptual ideas, research methodologies, and educational implications.


Informações: LaSalle University (51) 34768717

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